PNG scale on plan


i am trying to generate a script to place automatically drawings on plans.
so far so good - i create the boundaries of the viewplans etc…

In my Office:
On the general planhead there is a space to show a preview image of the 3D Modell.
I am exporting it from Revit and placing it through imageinstances.create by archi-lab.
The problem is to get it fit by the boundaries of the drawing window.
Is there any solution for scaling images?

thanks for your help :slight_smile:

i got the center point and the boundaries of each window (DINA4-DINA0)

Hello @KevSch your image have some parameters you can set

@sovitek jepp i see :smiley: sorry, for this question - i am a little bit unexperienced to dynamo :smiley:

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