Please help me to solve it!

Now I’m a beginner in Dynamo, so I’m try to make a cube follow Fig.1 (something in my work is Fig.2)
My problem about mass showing, my cube is missing some axis, in “Cuboid.ByLengths” I set Lacing to Cross product already. If you have method to create similar this cube, you can recommend to me.

(My account can’t post may picture, other picture follow this link

The next question, when I ignore about sizing of mass, I setting the color in cube, problem is color it overlap with cube follow Fig.3

My guideline of work is .

Hello, you want to turn of cross product in cuboid node.
Fig1 looks like an attractor example. The cuboid sizes are affected by the proximity of another geometry. The closer it is the smaller the cubes.

To answer your second question, you need to turn off preview for the cuboid node

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Dear, Alexis

I’m can do it, thank you so much.