Dynamo color not working

Ive tried to recreate this coloring schemes from the dynamo library,
but nothing is working. Ive tried connecting all of these different colors to this cube but none of them color it. Why not? Thanks!

Have you tried turning of the preview of the Cuboid node itself?

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Oh wow, that actually shows the color, but I mean…why cant I color the cube itself?

every node (well all the built in ones) return new objects as their output. So when you generate a cube and then create a display object after it - you are generating two cubes (I’m not actually sure if this is true for display node - it might be a reference… but it doesn’t matter) you still get two cubes tessellated and displayed in the background preview. So you have to turn off the preview of the first cube to reliably see the second because of z-fighting.

My point is that Dynamo likes nodes to be immutable functions - procedures that generate some output and don’t modify other objects.