Plane.byOriginNormalXaxis to coordinate system

A little help? Once i have this plane defined any tips on family placement? I want to place the cross sections on the plane defined.

FamilyInstance.ByCoordinateSystem might work here, but it’s hard to know without seeing what your family is.

This is how it ends with familyinstance.bycoordinatesystem. Still not the way i pretend. The plan is ortogonal to the aligment so the cross section should be ortogonal aswell

The coordinate system is displaying the way pretended but the family placement is incorrect.
Any tips? @jacob.small

Are you building the coordinate systems via the planes?

Need to see more of your intent than just the error to help.

Yes i believe, once i had the ortogonal vector and knew my vertical axis i believe this could be enough to define the placement.
Also when i select the node Plane to coordinatesystem it selects the right one at each point. just the family placement is incorrect. i can try to transform using coordinateSystem Rotate and family instance transform but tried a few combos and couldnt find the way. Could the problem come from the family model? @jacob.small

Don’t know as I still can’t tell what you are after. Post a sketch illustrating your intent and your dyn and rvt here or on an open third party service such as Dropbox, onedrive, Google Drive, etc…

So you want all the families to be placed ‘level’, where they follow the curve in plans with their local XY plane to be parallel to the global XY plane?

The coordinate system is in the correct way. Just the family placement is not. Really apreciated

@jacob.small any tips?

Yes - don’t place adapative components this way or you’ll get odd results. Either use two points to control them, or build them in the massing environment (as part of a massing family). My preference is the later.

  1. Utilize a massing family
  2. Place points to definet he curve
  3. Generate a model curve via the points
  4. Place reference points at the parameter along the curve
  5. Host your family instances to those points

1 - With massing family do you mean a 3d solid? but like, will i be able to set parameters variations through out the spam?
5 - host - “Familyinstance.byhostandpoint” being the host the model curve i just defined?

Personally I would use an adaptive, as I’m more familiar with that environment in API terms. That said, it looks like the methods can be translated over to the other environment.

That said, you should be placing your family using an adaptive component method, ideally hosted along a reference curve built parametrically from reference points. Something like this.

Adaptive Family Reduced Size

There are no out of the box nodes for all of this though, so it takes a bit of custom code to be able to build stuff so it’s parametric. The exact methods may have to vary based on your use, but this should get you started.
Generate Linear Parametric Profile.dyn (39.2 KB)

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Big thank you for the help, it solved my problem.

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