Place Spot Elevation in SectionView and change Type

Hello @Luffy11 :slight_smile:

Dynamo nodes always work, no matter if you use a single element as input (for example 1 wall) or a list of elements (a list off walls).

This is not the case for python nodes. A quick draft python code for testing purposes may be written to only process one element. Another python code may be written to process lists of elements but then is not able to process single elements. If you write a python code for other people to use you should always make shure that it can process single elements AND lists. But daniel and I didn´t write this code that perfect, and thats why you are in trouble now :smiley:

Whenever you get an error like “oh my god i can not iterate” this means that the code wants to process a list, it wants to iterate over the items of a list, but it did not get a list as input. So you can ask the coder if he will edit the code for you what will take some time, or you go for the quick and dirty method and make a list out of your item:

You see that a wall is transformed to a list of one wall. Does not make much difference for you, but it does for python.

The code you are using will take a single view, a single type and a single bool as inputs, but all other inputs (points, etc…) have to be lists. So just use the list create node to make lists out of them.

If you dont need leaders you can pretty much use the same point for all the point inputs like i did above:


But this example was a code that used single elements as inputs^^ You have to use a list of point/s.

@gerhard.p hi, I’ve tried to do like you instructed but I get this warning. Can you help me?

I loaded in the node and I am trying to get it to work. But I don’t think I understand all the inputs. I’m trying to add spot elevations to all extra horizontal Curtain Wall Mullions, and the top and base elevations of the Curtain Wall itself.

What will I need to feed this node in order for it to work? I’m quite puzzled by all the different types of points

Hello @RevitRobot

Can you show a picture of the result you want?
Kind regards

Yes sure.

I want to use spot elevations like this for all views on the sheet. I also want to dimension all mullions but I haven’t been able to accomplish that either.

With the clockwork node, I only managed to get 3 spot elevations total, without a leader in 80 views.

With the custom node placed above, I am mostly confused what I need to feed the input nodes.

I’m guessing I need to feed the Top and Bottom of the curtain wall? But how do I get the “bend” and “end” points? Is it relative to the view or the actual element coordinates?

I´ll look into it in the evening.
Abou the bends/ends, just build vectors like that:

I had it combined in another script. But now I have seperated it so it only should do the spot elevation. For the purpose of testing I did 1 spot elevation per view to prevent potential lacing issues.

Not sure what I am doing wrong here but it returns nulls

TEST Viewports Spot Elevation.dyn (66.7 KB)

Hi guys
Did you try to put SpotElevation on ViewPlan?
Did you have message “Dimension must have leader”?
And did you try to put SpotElevation on Pipes?