I wanted to add this here because I am having similar issues to above.
When running the python script I am getting the List[object] has no attribute ‘Id’ error…
I am feeding multilevel lists into the python script at each level.
If I add [0] to each input of the codeblock as suggested above the python script works but adds views on the first sheet…
I’m not very familiar with Python. Any thoughts on how I can fix this?
Have you tried using the Viewport.Create node in Rhythm? You may need a few minutes of trial and error to get your input levels correct, but after that it works a treat.
Your list depths look incorrect. Sheets should be a flat list (no sublists) and views + location lists should be identically nested lists 1 level deep. So, for each sheet there should be a list of views to place on it and their positions. If you have a list of sheets, then you should have a list of lists for views/positions. Please see this post which explains this further…