Place Legends on Multiple Sheets with Template Legend

Revit 2024
Dynamo version 2.17.1

I was more wondering which Data Shapes version :smile:



Oooh I see. Then I suggest updating to the latest version. There is not too much risk in it as I really allways try and keep the package cross version compatible and not break anything. If you notice anything odd let me know ! :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I’m not sure how I missed it just being a package version issue.

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First I want to thank you for this thread because I referenced it a decent bit to make my own version of this script. I wanted to see if you had any thoughts on this problem I am having that involves the Viewport Type portion.

With my version, I can select a legend, select multiple sheets, and then the legend will successfully place onto my sheets. So it works fine at the core. The problem is that no matter which viewport type I select on the Data-Shapes, it will always to use the first Viewport type that is pulled from the project. I have three viewport types in the project along the lines of “Viewport Label to Scale”, “Viewport Label not to scale”, and “No Viewport Label”.

Preferably I want all of these legends to place with “No Viewport Label”, but no matter which of of these three Viewport Label options I select from the UI DropDown, it will always insert the legend with "Viewport Label to Scale.’ I even set the Default Index on DataShapes to the “No Viewport Label” and if I dont touch that dropdown at all, it will still use “Viewport Label to Scale” when I run it.

In the attached image, the sheet and legend selection is halfway cut off because it’s working and likely doen’t need to be looked at. I was hoping you could diagnose the connections between “Getting Viewport Types” to Data-Shapes to Output connections and see if you can diagnose why the user selection of the Viewport Type basically means nothing since it will always use the same one - likely the first one it is pulling from the project.


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Hey @sillywilly1798, most likely you will need to use the ChangeTypeId() method on the legends once you have them created. The CreateViewport node is not currently taking any input related to the viewport type so it doesn’t know what to do with that information.

Hey Sean thanks so much for the quick reply! I am admittedly very new to Dynamo and some of the coding speak is still a bit rough for me. Do you have any visual representation or know of another thread that you could point me towards? I am not familiar with this “ChangeTypeID method.”