Place electrical socket family instance on mechanical equipment

Dear All,

Please refer attached image.
I am trying to create revit dynamo to place electrical socket on specific side (face) of mechanical equipment.
I am getting list of mechanical equipment surfaces. But I am not clear how to get desired face of mechanical equipment.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

You can see each surface at model view in Dynamo by selecting an item at the list.(highlights blue)
The order of sufaces won’t be changed if selected elements are same family type.
So you can pick one after you find the order.

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getting the specific faces can be pretty difficult. a way that might be straightforward is to make a named reference in the family, and associate the face with that reference. this can make fetching the surface a bit easier.

the other way is just analyzing the family geometry. you can make some assumption about the surface orientation relative to the family orientation, use that to filter faces by normal vector, then select the one furthest from the origin. this looks like it should work on the family you’re displaying, but it can depend on how the family is constructed.

a third way might be to model the electrical connection solid as a nested shared family, so you can target that more easily, instead of

Hello @mclough & @Hyunu_Kim,

Thank you for your suggestions.
I tried with third option & it’s serve my purpose.

Thank you.