I’m trying to get the correct layer sorted for where i place a Cogopoint. I already made a dynamo script(see under), where I can make a Cogopoint on the intersection from polylines on my Alignment.
But i can’t figure out how to sort out the layernames so that the Cogopoints get the name of the polyline that crosses the Alignment.
Hi pyXam,
As a example:
i have my main alginment, and i have 3 polylines with the layer’s 1 2 and 3. Now these polylines are crossing my alignment, and i want a point created on these crossings. I can do this with the script above. Now i need something that gets these layers (1, 2 and 3) and give the points the same layers as the polylines. My scripts does it half OK, it can take the layers from ALL polylines, but it cant figure out what point connects with what polyline. So now it just puts the layers on a random point that is not sitting on the right polyline…
Ok doesn’t sound impossible, can you take a screenshot of your graph working with this button.
make sure you are zoomed all the way into a node when you press the button.
Check the levels for the the point.byCoordinates, could be some issues there.
According to the layers, add the "setLayer after the node where you create the cogopoints and see if that works
I also recommend that you add the cogopoints to a pointgroup with the polyline layer name instead of the cogo points because the point layer isn’t that important because when you export the points it will be the style that set the layers for the point and labels, not the layer that you set for the cogo point.
This doesn’t work. The problems sits in the Object.Layer function. It just gets all the layers from all the polylines, but if 1 polyline crosses the alignment multiple times it already makes this node irrelevant. the rest of the script works fine, its just the layer that makes me crazy
Amigo @C.N.v.d.Zwaag buenas, can you share your dwg?
You have to ask the layer of each line or repeat the layer the same quantity of lines of each policurve, then you just have to grup and clean your data and ask for the intersection and create the cogopoints; hard labor i know!!
It only seems to not work on the one i already made a screenshot from. I just dont understand why, and for the real deal i need hunderds of these intersections made and sorted, so i cant have any of those wrong layernames in my cogopoints
Amigo @C.N.v.d.Zwaag Rebonjour. There you have it, as usual it is a problem of lacing lists and levels, as I mentioned before organizing the information is hard work; I will leave you my bank details in private message!! hehe just kidding.
I advise you to look for information on the topics of Lacing and Levels, although be careful, levels are the way to the dark side!