Pipe Material form part properties

Hello to all,
Only an information, I saw that the pipe material (both categories) is set on the AutoCAD generic material and not from specific part properties (Below two images where are the correct information).
You think it’s possible get this information some other way maybe througt Python or these are not expose inside API.


@Santi_Sarica have you checked the Part nodes in the Civil 3D Toolkit?

It should work for gravity parts as they expose the part data records, pressure pipes I’m not sure.

@Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 Thanks, I missed this node, I haven’t seen it. I tried on pressure pipes, doesn’t work.

This is interesting. This node gives me strange value: TK pressure id material TK pressure material

Nothing strange there, you are comparing apples with oranges

Sorry, I undertand now.


So, there is no node to access remaining pressure part properties (for example, Pipe Start Easting, Minimum Cover, Minimum Flex Radius, Id Material, Pressure Class, etc) ???

As @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1 said
have you checked the Part nodes in the Civil 3D Toolkit?

And if you don’t find Properties that you want
You can get it from here


Hi @hosneyalaa,

I checked it, apparently it not works with pressure pipe networks (works only with gravity pipe networks)

I must assume that I can only access via phyton node (civil 3d API .net) at the moment???

Hi @francolaca For pressure pipe networks
Please check as picture

Please download this file dyn

It’s very important

Hi @hosneyalaa ,

Yep, pressure network/pipes/fittings/appurtenances properties can by acces trougt Civil3Dtoolkit - PressurePipeNetworks nodes (as you say), but not all they.

For example, some Part Data Properties such idMaterial, Minimum Cover, Minimum Flex Radius, Pressure Class, or PressurePipe Geometry properties such Pipe Start Easting cant be acces trougt Civil3Dtoolkit - PressurePipeNetworks nodes (Neither through camber complement).

So, the question is,

there is no node to access remaining pressure part properties (for example, Pipe Start Easting, Minimum Cover, Minimum Flex Radius, Id Material, Pressure Class, etc) ???

I must assume that I can only access via phyton node (civil 3d API .net) at the moment???

Thanks @hosneyalaa, I checked it. There not acces to properties I mentioned before

@francolaca I am working on adding this to Camber for you.


Hi @zachri.jensen,

Great news. I assure you, many people are waiting for that. It will be a great advance :clap: :clap: :clap:

I leave you some comments that may be useful,

By default, pressure parts are stored in .sqlite files in the path:
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2022\enu\Pressure Pipes Catalog\Metric (or imperial)

The user can create their own parts catalogs with the Content Catalog Editor application:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2022\C3D\Autodesk.Aec.Content.CatalogEditor.exe

It is third party application (not autodesk) included in civil3d.

Hi @francolaca,

Check out this node in Camber v3.0.0. It will return a dictionary of the part data values.


Hi @zachri.jensen, thank you very very very much. Downloading . I was waiting for this update :smile:

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Get Part Data

Hello everyone, could you please tell me which node I can use to replace the Material field of a structure? I tried to use also the tools from the tool kit but with no success.