Dear Friends,
Saturday brings the Pi Day of the Century, at least to those of us who write our dates in the MM,DD,YY format. March 14 is special to American math students and to math enthusiasts who may have memorized far too many digits to comfortably admit #coughcoughcough (what? it was for a contest…).
Today, Pi Day-Eve, what can you do with Math.PI in Dynamo?? Submit your answers and files here, and you may be featured in my next blog post!
The number PI has definitely enabled us to do some amazing things. Our knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics, at least in their early days, was enabled by our comprehension of PI. You could say that PI opened our eyes to the stars and cracked open the door to understanding the universe.
I wanted to make a very basic solar system generator. The end product is a bit buggy, slow and probably very wrong due to my limited knowledge of Newtonian physics and Kepler’s laws, but heck at least it looks cool. For some reason Dynamo’s random number generator really likes crashing my planets into the sun…
The generator places some planets randomly and their orbit is relative to their position to the sun. The planet’s mass is based on the sun’s mass and the orbit it takes around it.
One of the reasons the generator is so slow, is because I didn’t want to use plain boring spheres for my planetoids, but some randomly generated bumpy objects that get more spherical as their mass(radius) increases. PI is used in there as well to keep them mostly spherical.
Thanks, guys, for the great projects! Hope you like the blog post: