Hi All,
I used dynamo graph to put penetration where duct was intersecting with linked arch wall and it was working fine. Now I am using Fabrication ducts and I cannot extract geometry from fabrication ductwork. When I pass the Fabrication duct though Element.geometry I get mesh instead of solid

So the geometry.intersect is failing and the rest of the graph is not working.
I tried to extract curve from Fabrication ductwork and it didnt work too.
PENO WITH SIZE WITH DIRECTION_fabduct test.dyn (196.9 KB)
Can anyone point me in the right direction to achieve this?
I am using revit 2023 and

Thanks in advance.
You could try using Element.GetLocation instead of Element.Geometry.
Should do the trick.
Hope this helps.
Hi @Josip.Komadina can you use the line informatuon to intersect with walls?
If you are looking for a center point of the intersection, you could do something like this. There are multiple ways of doing it.
Think it gets tricky when you have walls from linked element
. It dosnt like doing doing geometry interset.
Should be the same with linked walls, just get some flatten nodes in there. Only thing I am not sure about is why you are getting 2 solids for the geometry of one wall?
For the Fab ductwork, you are probably getting the fittings as well as straight parts, so it would be useful to filter for straight ducts only.
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