Path Array in Revit.(problem with levels )(instance of a level-based family cannot be created without a valid reference level.)

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Curve Array level problem.dyn (9.5 KB)
Hello Currently I have Created This dynamo script , in which a model Line is created for example and I want to assign a family on it like a path array command . The problem is that this script works with family with no Level constrains , however when I am trying to assign a family with level constrains (columns for example ) It doesn’t work and says (instance of a level-based family cannot be created without a valid reference level.) I have attached the dynamo script . Is there anyway I can do a Path array command with Families that have level constrains ?

Hi @ahmadkhalaf7892

You can try this “FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel”

Thank you a lot you are a lifesaver. Can I add a specific distance between the families ?

Thank you a lot you are a lifesaver. Can I add a specific distance between the families ?/

@ahmadkhalaf7892 Of course :slight_smile:

I have units setting meter

Thanks a lot , I am really grateful

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Hey man Is there a way we can edit also the levels, By that I mean can we make the families for example from level 1 till level 3 , or from level 1 till 4 etc… , I’d really appreciate the help .