We use the .dyn / Python from this topic to create circuits.
So far that works great!
Now we need the circuit number later in the script, but somehow the number gets lost?!?
Any idea why or how to solve this? I already tried using PassThrough nodes and Transaction.End nodes.
We’d need to see the rest of your graph to know what might be causing the issue. Something is likely out of sync due to the order of operations in your graph.
With node previews, please. Otherwise we have no context.
From what I can see, I’m guessing it has something to do with you assigning the panel and getting the circuit properties separately. Because these are separate branches, the circuit information may be coming back before the python node has assigned the panel. You need to do these actions in series so that the panel finishes before you retrieve the circuit info.
If you’re writing and trying to read those values in the same script I recommend using a Transaction.End node to make sure that the writing is completely finished before trying to read those values:
PS: You would probably also benefit from some documenting, as in what/why you’re doing all this, since it took some time to figure out what was doing what and why.
Where did you try it? You would still need to have the circuit information come after the panel assignment (in series) otherwise it wouldn’t have any affect. Use the output from Set Panel instead of the previous node for the rest of your system inputs.
That would be helpful, just to confirm. I’d suggest not using the passthrough node though since it’s the same list of elements. Just use the output from Set Panel.
Also, just for our information, have you confirmed that the elements show a circuit number in Revit?