Pain the Pile

Now I want to pain the pile follow the geometry color.
Please help me.

Pass a value into a parameter assigned to them, then use revit filters. Dont use paint tool.


Hi, GavinCrump.
Can you show me more detail?
I am newbie so I don’t understand all your idea

Element.setparameterbyname can set data in elements. You can then use view filters in revit to display them in colors based on their value. If youre not familiar with view filters there’s lots of resources from autodesk is you look them up.

I dont still find the way for it.

My idea is make color for the piles in revit space
Now I can make color for models in dynamo space.
Can you help me?

I don’t think you understand what I mean. Use Revit and Dynamo together for better outcomes, don’t just focus on Dynamo. Use your script to push data into your element parameters instead of coloring them - this is anti-BIM logic.

In the below example I’ve set some data in walls in their ‘Comments’ field and can use view filters in Revit to color the elements based on this. This way the script only has to give data to elements instead of override colors.

At the end of the day BIM is about data. It is best to try to get graphics to work based on this as opposed to using manual override tools wherever possible. If those piles are not Revit elements (just in Dynamo), get your script to place pile family instances instead of just making Dynamo geometry.

Guides on view filters:

Filters are essential for using Revit well, I suggest using them and learning more about them if needed.


Because I talk not clear My idea, so You dont understand.
My Purpose is make piles in revit by using Dynamo, and base on Excel data. Here
Design_Data_243.xlsx (15.4 KB)
To reach my purpose, I split it to smaller mission.
Number1: Make piles base on excel data by using dynamo : Done.
Number 2: Make color for piles base on excel data by Dynamo: Still work.
Family Placing.dyn (187.2 KB)
So can you see my Dynamo and excel file above ?
If you give me some solution for my problem, I will happy and appreciate for your helps.
Last but not least, I want to thank you very much.

Gavin has indicated the best way round this, as it is not best to set a colour on something manually per view etc via dynamo.

The workflow:
Extract the data from Excel, then place this data onto the placed Pile via its parameters.

Then use the view filter system in revit to change the colour accordingly to this data.


But In excel file have many data
If I do follow gavin, i think its not coincidence
I want it automatic


I agree with the other posters, however I think you are after these nodes…

Hope that helps,


It is very hard to understand what you really want then.

But I think you are looking for color scales.
However, you can set the color you want through RGB codes. You can also set View Filters in Views OR View Templates. This way you can preserve your colors.