Package works only when debugging in VisualStudio and in v1.3

I wonder if anyone had a similar problem.
I try to run my package on the latest, most stable DynamoSanbox version (v2.2.1.5175).
In my VS2019 project properties, I’ve changed “Post-build event command line” and DynamoSandbox.exe in “Debug->Start action”.

Ctrl+F5 -> Dynamo opens -> Package works. It works even though it has lot’s of files in “bin” folder, also files which shouldn’t be there like DynamoCore.dll , DynamoServices.dll , DSCodeNodes.dll , ProtoGeometry.dll (source)

When I re-open Dynamo2.2.1, the package is gone. When I try to import the library I get an error “library loading failed

Then I open Dynamosandbox v1.3.3.4651 (C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\1.3), import package from …\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2.2\packages\PACKAGE\bin and everything is OK.

Where should I look for the root of the problem? json file? Set VS project again?
