Package Directory Location

I’ve been adding a few tools to a custom extension and have added it to a few user’s Revit environment, however some of them have reported the tools not functioning. Would this possibly be down to them not having the relevant packages installed?
If so, is there a way I can point the package directory to a central server based location, as opposed to the Roaming folder default?

Possibly, but a doctor can only guess without seeing the patient or at least getting a description of the symptoms.

I don’t recommend loading tools off the server directly, most windows network security protocols will block this by default as you’re executing unsigned code from a remote location (aka: how to get a virus 101). Instead move the package down onto the local system via robocopy, or a variety of other tools. Alternatively you can post the package on package manager and they can request it on demand.


Thanks, doing a bit more digging has confirmed it was due to missing packages.
I’ll have to work with my IT department on deploying the relevant packages, thanks!

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