I am having the same error as Gavin: nothing to see in the preview. I was following the tutorial that he published on his youtube channel, and followed the same graph step by step except for few differences. I can not yet upload the graph or the dynamo log. Ill just copy the log below :
Dynamo log started 2021-07-09 07:39:12Z
2021-07-09 07:39:12Z : Python template set to default.
2021-07-09 07:39:13Z : Dynamo – Build
2021-07-09 07:39:13Z : Duplicate migration type registered for SunPathDirection
2021-07-09 07:39:13Z : Dynamo will use the package manager server at : https://www.dynamopackages.com
2021-07-09 07:39:13Z : DynamoPackageManager (id: FCABC211-D56B-4109-AF18-F434DFE48139) extension is added
2021-07-09 07:39:38Z : The folder ‘’ does not exist
If you have any clues let me know! Many thanks