Opposite to list.create?!

Get item at index, flatten, or something else. Your structure isn’t exactly clear with this view, and I don’t have an understanding of what you want next. :slight_smile:

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why are the list flatten and list unique items not working? lol i guess it has something to do with the lacing

I can’t see where the list.create came from… can you do a export as image after zooming in, and a second screenshot illustrating what data structure you are after?

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i want these fields separated. but the result list contains so many sublists and not getting unique items or flattened

There isn’t a need for the multiple ‘string.contains’ nodes. Use one, feed the value into the list, and set the list lacing and list levels correctly and you should be good to go.

I’m away from my computer for awhile yet (6+ hours) but if you post your DYN and a simple RVT (ie: reduce your only 3 elementals ta of each thing you are trying to schedule and purge unused) I‘ll review your DYN and RVT when I get back to provide some educational material on the subject.

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alright, that would be a great help.
right now its just a sample RVT project with basic categories just to make a script.
the thing is, its multiple lists in the start, and im searching those categories’ data from 6 schedule fields for each category and then i want to feed them to excel.

1 - Creating Schedules.dyn (92.6 KB)

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here is the link to rvt file

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This should provide some clarity. Be sure to play around the stuff like the list levels, lacing, and the like so you can see what happens when you adjust this stuff - just consuming the content as is means you’ll likely struggle on the portion I left untouched (the last group in pink).


thankyou so much man! Its a huge favor ! :heart_eyes:

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this is very well explained and much helping as im learning instead of just copy pasting!