Hi, I’m getting an error with this OOTB Node - The views input expects a list of views but keeps returning this error. I’m retrieving the revit objects as I would expect. Is there a slightly different way to call the revit objects for use in this node? Fairly new to Dynamo, but i cant see anything on forum for this node.
Your sheet number and sheet name lists are of different list levels, you can try flatten the lists before they enter the node?
Check the view name as well cause we cant see that in the screenshots provided
Did you filter the floorplans that are already on sheets?
hey @RevitRobot ,
Yeah the Floor plans are freshly created with another graph for use in this graph. I also use filters by 2 unique identifiers in the view name “2DD” and “Z” as contingency. Definitely not on sheets.
hey @pyXam ,
Thanks for picking that up. I’ve flattened the sheet name list to match. I also had a rookie error of duplicate sheet numbers in the list.
It executes now BUT, it is placing all the views on the first sheet in the list yet creating all the sheets in the list. and it still returns the same error.
Try chop the View lists with List.Chop value 1.
I don’t know the node too well but try with some different list level or lacing and see how you go
Chop of 1 works but is has to match sheet coords in list level and count. requires a list per sheet.
I misunderstood the logic of the plurals (and its misleading).
viewandlocation places 1 view per sheet (what I wanted)
view(s)andlocation(s) Can place multiple views per sheet provided the views an locations lists are a list per sheet (L3)
The OOTB Node Descriptions are too similar to understand this difference. It would greatly help new users like myself if the Dynamo Devs improve the accuracy of the descriptions for these almost identical nodes (there’s a few node pairs like this)