Obtain original geometries

Good day.
I am trying to obtain the initial geometries of the elements… before they have undergone modifications.
can someone help me thank you very much

Geometria_original.rvt (6.1 MB)

The geometry is what it is. The only way to get the original form is to rebuild it from the desired edges/faces really. Dynamo/Revit dont work like 3dsmax where geometry remembers its history.

Nooooooo…why?? there must be some solution…
Should I look for the infinity gems…!!? :sweat: :tired_face: :scream:

Usually ask ‘how would I do this in Revit?’. In most cases if the answer is that we can’t, Dynamo often cannot either. Revit geometry doesn’t store history of operations.

In this case you could try to infill the holes by finding their curves and pairing them/extruding/unioning solids but it would be an algorithm specific to this case versus any.