Hi everyone! I have a problem with a very simple Dynamo Script extracting pipe solids. (C3D 2024 & 2025) I don’t understand the problem, because the node “Object.By.Geometry” doesn’t work although Scale is set to medium. I attach the screenshot, the dr
Test.dwg (5.1 MB)
Test.dyn (14.3 KB)
awing and the Dynamo Script.
Looks like the screenshot didn’t post. What is the error message?
Have you deleted everything in %temp% and c:\Temp folders?
That’s what I was thinking of as well. The node creates temp files that are not deleted automatically. After reaching a certain amount of these temp files the node stops working. Clearing %temp% as @patrick.ericson mentioned should solve the issue.
@zachri.jensen, any ideas what are those tmp files for and why does the node stop working if the TEMP folder is “full” of them? And maybe is there a way to get rid of them without manual deleting? I integrated a deletion process to scripts that use the node, but I mean something on Node level.
The source code isn’t public so I can only guess, but I believe that node (like it’s Revit counterpart - FamilyType.ByGeometry) exports the geometry to an intermediate file and then imports the temp file into the host application as a new object. While the Revit version doesn’t have this problem, but that could be for a number of issues (temp path and file management; limitations of the host application; etc.).
One thing you can try is circumventing the temp file and just use the geometry which Dynamo has in memory and the AutoCAD API to circumvent the export. I have managed this on the Revit side (as breps for solids and meshes as direct shapes), and for most curves on the AutoCAD side of things (polycurves with non-uniform curves escape me), but I haven’t tried non-patched surfaces nor solids. Performance wise it might not be as good, but it might also be better (serializing to write to disc so you can read that data into memory again and deserialize into a third format doesn’t sound performant to me). Also there may be some limitations to what can be done this way all of my experiments have been just that after all - experiments. However it’s a thread that those interested are welcome to pull on to see what can be learned.
Yes! This is what i see! II just did a clean uninstall of C3D and reinstalled (2024) Still having that issue.
- I also tried to delete everything in %temp%. (I cannot delete everything because some files seem to be in use by some unkown processes. What exactly do i look for?
- It now comes even when trying to push lines to C3D.
Hi @FC_GN8 ,
I checked your script and saw that Pipe.Solid is not creating any geometry in the background. When I check the solid objects created by Pipe.Solid, they also have 0 volume. Can you clarify again if everything in the model is correct and you are accessing to right elements in Dynamo? Everything looks correct to me but it would be nice if you can double check as well since I am not an expert in Civil 3D.
Please use the Document.Modelspace instead of Document.Paperspace.
Good morning, I’ve just tried on two machines and in multiple versions of C3D (23, 24, and also freshly installed 2025) with both temp folders cleared and still getting the same result
I also tried on one of my old models and no luck there either.
This doesn’t appear to be from the Object.Geometry, but from the Pipe.Solid. If that node returns a zero volume solid, then it is returning an invalid solid with no geometry.
Can you see the solid from these pipes in Dynamo after placing the Pipe.Solid node? If not then you’ll either need to wait for an update to the node or build some custom code to extract the solids via Python or C#.
Oh, yes. As you and @emrullah.yildiz both said, nothing to see in the background.
I will stick to converting to 3D solids using only Civil3D. It delivers what I need. Thanks all!
Edit: I also tried a couple of other older versions of the Toolkit with no luck.
Good morning people! I think I found a pretty sweet workaround! Not sure how it handles more complex paths though.
Thank you very much for sharing your solution with us. It looks great!
You can also consider to mark it as solution so that it can be easier for people to find out the answer.
Thank you!
I shall leave that up to the OP @FC_GN8. Hope it helps you.
@s.proch Thanks for the workaround, Working for pipes but still the same issue is with the structures persist and these are hard to rebuilt by the properties.