Numbering elements by type


I am trying to create a graph that numbers elements from 001 to xxx based on their types.
For example copper pipe bend start at 001 to xxx, copper tee start at 001 to xxx, pvc pipe bends start at 001 to xxx and so one

I am not sure how to get all the elements that are in same type group in a list so I can count and add sequential numbers to them.
Thank you very much for your help and support in advance

Using the typical All Elements of Category and/or All Elements of Type depending on the elements you need will get you what you want. It will also keep everything grouped by default so you’re all set for the second step of numbering them.

I have created a simple project consisting of there different pipe / fitting materials and 2 sizes for each

I can get all the types, but more or less not sure where to go from here.
this example project only has two types of fittings, real project can have many more, and same goes for the sizes …
how do I get all elements from each type?

What do you mean? It looks like you have them grouped by family and element type now. Is that not what you want?

Once you have the groups you count how many elements in each group and create a sequence.

Looks like I have done it, I was missing the “Use Level” and once I sorted them, all seems to be working fine
Thanks again for your help

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