Nodes in Dynamo

Me and my colleague just re-installed the new release of Dynamo for Vasari 2.5 and Revit 2012 on our Machines. We downloaded another copy of both Vasari and Dynamo Today around Lunch time in hopes we would both have the latest builds. On her machine she seems to have all of the nodes, but for some reason a few are missing on mine, Such as she has the Python Script Input/Output Node. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It's always the simplest things in life that are the most puzzling....I had to open python once to get the node to show up! Thanks Guys

We both have it installed, I will try and install again.thanks for the quick reply

Hi William,

In order to see the Python node you need to have IronPython installed on the machine in addition to Dynamo. You can download it following these instructions .


You have to download Phython and install it for this to show, I believe.