Node that gives all members of input object as output with filter options

Not exactly search related, but will eliminate tons of nodes and also searches. Dont know if its possible to do, but it would be absolutely amazing.

What im talking about is a node that has output based what the input object is composed of? So if i input a line the outputs will become line, startpoint, endpoint and length if i then input the startpoint output to the same node the output will become point,x, y,and z. And so on til it retuns a double, string, bool etc. Maybe with a checkbox filter window if a input object will generate more than x outputs like an element object. Maybe created with shift+double click on canvas​:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Hope this made any sense and its possible to do😀

So a node that returns the component pieces of an element? :slight_smile: Either way, this is beyond the scope of the Search Feedback ask so I’ve split it into a new topic.

Would you envision this working only to one level? For example, if you use it on “Surface”, you would simply get the perimeter curves as output? Not Curves → Start/End Points → X,Y,Z?

And do you think this would be geometry only?

thanks for making a new thread. In my head its been the items that the input object is composed of so one level, but a option to go x levels deep would eliminate chaining this node if you need a component on a deeper level.

I would say all components and attributes its composed of. I dont know exactly know by heart what a surface object consists of. but if i pluged in a surface it would output everthing in that object with a filter checkbox option. So not only the geometry but also its area and type and so on.

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Geometry.Explode will sort of do this to the point of lines… Would expanding that to get the points which make up a curve suffice?

sounds kinda like this:


Yes, a bit. but it returns the values/objects of the members of the input as outputs, with some quick way to filter the outputs(checkboxes or similar), this could replace so many nodes. tried to make something in python that shows the gist of it. had to show the outputs as dictionaries since i cant make multiple output wire connectors with python.

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Not quite, you can see my reply below with a video that shows what im trying to explain.

What you need to do FIRST is to standardize Node NAMING.
Second, the search would cover node names AND node descriptions (or make the latter optional with “expanded search”)

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