Hi Guys I am designing a script that would create a Revit Topography. I have my Mesh Ready,
1-I wanted to ask if there was any node or script that would create a Revit topography by or from a mesh ?
Thank you
Hi @ahmadkhalaf7892,
You can use the Topography ByPointsAndFacets node from the Genius Loci package that works with a mesh.
Here is an example : Topography by points creates a wrong boundary - #11 by Alban_de_Chasteigner
E03-50GT-V1-0000-0003 (mod).dwg (1.4 MB)
Hi Alban, Thank you for the help.
This exactly the approach I am looking for, However I have downloaded the script and it is still giving me a null result any idea that can Help why is this happening ?
I have inserted the DWG above IN REvit
Read the entire thread.
Points with same x and y are not allowed to create a topography.
The 2 lists of points and facets doesn’t have anymore the same indices.
This might be a silly question sorry about that, but any idea how I can fix this issue or there is a problem in the DWG? I really appreciate the help