Node input and outputs error when reopening script - jsonData

Hi all,

I’m busy reading in json files and need to traverse through it using the JsonData package.

When I close and open the script, the number of inputs and outputs on this node duplicate, and it needs to be replaced with the same node. This is happening every time I open the file.

See below bottom node showing the duplication, and the same node above.

this file has been reopened 4 times

alternatively, is there an ootb way to traverse through the dictionary keys and values, returning the remaining dictionaries in the nested value? Such as what the node below does:

Have you seen this post?

Thanks for this Marcel,

It is probably a similar issue, so I am assuming the package owner for JsonData needs to revise their versioning.

What version are you using?

Conflicting Revit add-ins can also cause this behavior. Disable all add-ins and see if this reproduces.