No values in Dynamo for Type Project Parameter

Hi everybody,

I found this issue in Dynamo, when I was trying to clean Parameters from a Model.

I have 3 Project parameters definied as “Type” for the Wall-Category in my Model, and those Parameters have values in Revit (Multi-Text, Yes/No, Text).
I also have 1 project parameter definied as “Instance” for the Wall-Category:

When I’m trying to read those values in Dynamo, there is no values for “Type-definied” Project parameters, but It works for “Instance” Project parameters:

I tryed this in Revit 2023, 2024 and 2025, and it’s the same issue.

Any Idea, how can I read Values from “Type” project parameters ?

PS: I have really no Idea of Python and coding.

Thank you.

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Instance parameters are controlled by the FamilyInstance, while type parameters are controlled by the FamilyType. This means you need to get the FamilyType element from the instance if you want to deal with the type parameters.

Thanks for your greetings and answer.

Finally with your help it’s working:

Thank for your help.
