Get parameters type - shared, system, family or project user parameters (also instance or type)?


I am using Dynamo to create an excel export table, itemising (linked) model elements by category and ID, as well as all parameter names and values associated with each element. All good so far. However, I am also trying to report on the origin and type of all the parameters - are they shared, system, project or family parameters, as well as whether they are type or instance parameters. Seem to be hitting a dead end so far.

I’d really appreciate ideas on how to solve this issue.

Many thanks!


What routes have you attempted so far, and what pitfalls do you feel you are experiencing?

If you can share a screenshot of your current build/attempt, it will help to facilitate a conversation.

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Hi Robert,

The problem is that I can’t find a node in the library that gives me the parameter status information I need. Are you aware of any nodes that report on the shared, system, family or project parameter status?

Many thanks for your help!

There are nodes that will give you pieces of what you need, and possibly a package or two that give you a large amount in a single node. I am not versed in Python, but I would expect it’s actually a lot cleaner to run it through that approach.

Any element can have the Element.Parameters node attached to pull parameter information. There is also an IsShared node that will give you a boolean list explaining if these parameters are shared parameters. You will need to do the same with the element type (to capture all the type parameters). All of these should be doable out of the box.

The way I had originally learned Dynamo (and continue to do with new workflows) is to jot down a list of as many keywords as possible, even if they are only loosely related, and review what shows up in the search bar. Once you’ve exhausted your list, at that point I would start searching the forums for package options if you still need more options.

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I am aware of these nodes. However, I still don’t know of any node that tells me whether the parameters are project or family parameters, whether they are hardcoded or user created. Also, if a parameter is a family parameter, which families is it associated with. I was also hoping there might be a node to report on whether a parameter is a type or instance parameter given its name/ID.

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