New random value in function for each element

Hi everybody

I am in the process of learning Dynamo coming from Grasshopper so am having a hard time wrapping my head around list operations. I hope you can be of help to understand how these list-map nodes work!

In the following screenshot it can be seen how all points are collected in one node “points”, each sublist contains a layer of points and each sub-sublist contains the points on 1 of the 4 sides of a rectangle.
I have got 4 direction vectors in the node “Direction vectors” that are matched up nicely with their corresponding sub-sublist points. (all points are now translated in their correct direction). The problem is that they are all translated the same distance.

What i am trying to achieve is that every point is translated a different random distance. How would you achieve this?

Thank you very much in advance!


Dynamo offers us two options in this situation. The more messy one is to duplicate your input data once per each item in the lists. The neater one is to create a little helper function that does the same without generating unnecessary data:

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Thank you Dimitar.
That was exactly what i needed :smiley: