New package for convert Dynamo's data and geometry types to IFC

Hi, all
I’m wrote simple (at that moment) custom library based on open-source .NET GeometryGym library to convert Dynamo geometry types to IFC. Package named “dyn2ifc” and must working in stock Dynamo Runtime enviromental (tested for 2.12) and on each product’s enviromental (Revit, Civil3D and etc).

No Autodesk’s products API using - only Geometry Gym API.

Package is open-source data - dyn2ifc/ at main · GeorgGrebenyuk/dyn2ifc · GitHub

I wrote it for make possible import created data to software (non-Autodesk based) where is missing API to create data => that package is “simple”. There are no and will not be able mapping schemas; most popular ifc class there – IfcBuildingElementProxy. Because of conversion from Dynamo to ifc is not a simple task there will be mistakes in data conversion and runtime errors - write about it here or at GitHub’s Issues (Issues · GeorgGrebenyuk/dyn2ifc · GitHub).

I’ll hope that package will useful someone.

P.S. As demo-material (dyn files) look folder dyn2ifc/dyn_scripts at main · GeorgGrebenyuk/dyn2ifc · GitHub


Update of package (version 1.3.1);
Fix logic of data-migration. Adding IfcDoc class that now is compulsory part each of ifc-creation nodes.
Package needs no Autodesk-software and must work on each platforms. I tested on Dynamo Core 2.12.1
I created new demo-script with comments (how_to.dyn)

how_to.dyn (41.6 KB)

All source code and release-versions you can find at package-github profile GitHub - GeorgGrebenyuk/dyn2ifc: Source code for Autodesk Dynamo's package "dyn2ifc" to convert standard dynamo's geometry and standard data types to IFC via GeometryGym IFC library


IFC direct from Dynamo… brilliant work @georg.grebenyuk :slight_smile: