Nested family parameter values


I’m working on a script that checks if stairs conform to the building code. The company i work for uses generic models as stairs. The family’s are made up out of different nested family’s. The parameters for riser height, tread depth, etc. are held inside the nested family.
Is there a way to extract this information? (I don’t have to manipulate this data, I only need to check the values)

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Grts Cas

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Hi Cas,

You can use the FamilyInstance.SuperComponent node from Clockwork for this:

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Hi Thanks for the quick response!
If i try that i get “null”

I have checked the family, and this specific family instance does have nested family’s

Hi @Cas

Do you mind sharing one of the family here?

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I just came accros another tread. The solution was to check the box shared in the nested family. I did that just now, and that woks for the last step and the bottom corner steps.

The main family is build out of 3 nested family’s; Top step, straight steps, bottom corner steps.

The top and bottom steps don’t have any nested family’s. The straight steps family is an array of another nested family of a riser board and step. That last family has the parameters I’m looking for, but when I get to that family the parameters aren’t in the list

This is the link to the family (*Moderation Edit* Revit 2021):

Hello @Cas
your parameters are Type Parameter, you need to get the Element Type for this

General remark
When attaching a Revit file, remember to indicate its version, you will be more likely to get help :wink:

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@c.poupin Thanks! Sorry i forgot to mention the version. I can’t find the Elements.Type node. Is it from a package?

You can use the OOTB node Element.ElementType


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