Need help with list levels

Here’s a script. I want to give parameter “mark” values from 1…(count+1) for all the groups I have but I can’t figure the right levels/lacing to make that happen.

I want marks to start over every time a new group starts in this yellow level. I updated list.count to get correct count.

So basically I need the marks to go:
List 0 > from 1…(count+1)
List 1 > from 1…(count+1)

List n > from 1…(count+1)

So far either the marks reset in the middle of the list or continue going after list 0 has ended and stop somewhere else.

Hi @1bitBoolean ,

What do you mean by this? Because a mark value can only be an integer value, it can’t be something like A_1, A_2, etc.

Perhaps something like this helps:

The mark parameter is created to contain string in this project. Anyways I figured out that the issue can be fixed by flattening out group on @3. The marks started again from 1 after the group appeared so after it was flattened out the marks were able to continue past it.