Multiple materials with parameters from excel


I have an excel file with multiple materials, and I wish to make a material library from this, which should include identity parameters and thermal parameters.

I have created strings/list with the different names/parameters I want for the materials from the excel file. But i’d like to know how to use these strings/list in python script to make these materials.

Is there anyone that can help me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Inering,
This is the first post I found here. Does it help?

or this without use of Python:

Also can you share the Excel file, so we can look at it?

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I managed to create the materials from that link, but i haven’t been able to import the parameters. But for now i don’t need it.

But thank you so much for the link!

I’d be happy to test them out yes, but when istalling the package through Github nothing accutually changes in Dynamo, am i missing something that i need to do to install it ? Haven’t installed anyhtoing though github before.