Hello, I wanted to ask if there is a particular node to change the elevation of the polyline, or how it could be done, I was thinking of finding its points and changing the elevation of the points, but that would only help me with figures that have straight lines and not curves I don’t know what else could be done
Translate the geometry with a vector.
Could you give an example of what you say?
You can use Geometry.Translate. This deletes and then re-creates a polyline so if you have data attached to it, it could get deleted, just a warning.
TranslatePolyline.dyn (32.7 KB)
Very good answer, I just tried it and if it works, I have a doubt that it is something that I was trying, this could not be called in a chain since there is a command that is used to make the elevation change
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your post. You need to integrate the way you are calculating the new elevation of the polyline(s) into the script I posted? I’m not sure how you are calculating the intended new elevation, but perhaps I can help, if you need help, and you post your python script.
I think this could be a lot simpler by just using the Object.Transform node. This post should help.
Thanks for all the answers
No problem. I think another strategy instead of getting the elevation from the polycurve plane could be to get the elevation property from the polyline. That may be another way to simplify.