Model group type parameter not working for model groups

Hi I am using this revit-pure script that was made in 2023 in revit 2022 and for whatever reason the script is labeling everything but the model groups. I can upload a model if that would help as well

BIM-PURE_Set-Group-Elements-Parameters.dyn (50.0 KB)

What do the errors say? What data are you passing your nodes? We need this specific information to be able to help you troubleshoot.

Warning: Element.SetParameterByName operation failed.
No parameter found by that name.

They all say that? That makes me think you have an element in a group that isn’t included in your category list.

i’ll check all elements and see if that works

still no luck :confused:

would it help if I uploaded the model?

You’re still not showing us what elements you’re trying to write to. All those nulls in your output are where the node is failing. Which elements are those? Do they have the parameter you’re trying to write to?

The “Group Type” parameter is failing because you’re getting the ElementType (group Type) instead of the ElementInstance which has the parameter.