Model Curve to Curve

Hi. I have trouble resolving this issue. I want to loft square into circle via guide. I know it can work beacause i managed to do it last night but i accidentaly overwritten file and can’t find my way back.

The error i get is:

Warning: Solid.ByLoft expects argument type(s) (Curve, Curve), but was called with (Revit.Elements.ModelCurve, Revit.Elements.ModelCurve


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You need to extract the Dyanmo Curve from the Revit Model Cure. Use a node called ModelCurve.Curves or something like that.

Ty for answer. But if I use ElementCurveReference image I get this error on loft

Warning: Solid.ByLoft expects argument type(s) (Curve, Curve), but was called with (Revit.GeometryReferences.ElementCurveReference, Revit.Elements.ModelCurve).

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@marinstojanovic Try this