Is there a way to merge list 1 and list 2 while ‘replacing’* the values from the bool true = list 1 and false = list 2 and keeping all the sublists from the bool?
*not actually replacing since these are other elements, but somehow putting in the same place as the bool list.
Hello @Laura_BIMChick
a solution with Python
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
boolLst = IN[0]
iterTrue = iter(IN[1])
iterFalse = iter(IN[2])
OUT = [[next(iterTrue) if val else next(iterFalse) for val in sublst] for sublst in boolLst]
@c.poupin Thanks, the python works great!
@Vikram_Subbaiah Thanks for this solution with nodes, I’ll try it out later next week.
For now the python works great for me.
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@Vikram_Subbaiah Would you have a similar solution for this?
Every true value needs to be replaced by a surface, but I need to keep the empty lists.
All false values need to be null values.
I’ve been trying to reconfigure your solution but I can’t get it to work…
Not similar, but work for you. Cant think of a simple solution right now
t = true;
f = false;
a = [[t,t],[t,f],[],[],[t],[t,t,f],[],[t,f]];
b = "Surface " + (1..7);
h = [Imperative]
c = 0;
d = [];
g = 0;
for (i in a)
e = List.Count(i);
f = 0;
if (e != 0)
for (j in i)
if (j)
d[c][f] = b[g];
g = g + 1;
f = f + 1;
d[c][f] = null;
f = f + 1;
c = c + 1;
d[c] = [];
c = c + 1;
return d;
A solution with nodes
replaceTrue.dyn (28.1 KB)
ls1 = List.Flatten(lst1,-1);
ls2 = List.GroupByKey(0..(List.Count(ls1)-1),ls1);
ls3 = List.SortByKey(ls2["groups"],ls2["unique keys"])["sortedList"];
ls4 = [List.OfRepeatedItem(null,List.CountFalse(ls1)),lst2];
ls5 = List.SortByKey(List.Flatten(ls4,-1),List.Flatten(ls3,-1));
ls6 = List.Chop(ls5["sortedList"],List.Count(lst1<1>));
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