MEP Family & Type Part Descriptions

So I going to say it. Our Revit Family Library is quit frankly some what of a mess. We have, I suppose like most, several sources of MEP Pipe Accessories. I don’t know where I am going with this… but I’d like some sort of Dynamo that could export Family, Type and ALL of several available Description Parameter Values to Excel to get some kind of look into just how bad it is - and possibly map out some way to straighten this out maybe with the use of Excel with a Dynamo graph of some sort.

This post is, I guess, an effort to think aloud, brainstorming of sorts, of how we might approach getting Descriptions straightened out.

Any ideas?

Load all families into a project. Use Dynamo to create an instance of each. Look at the schedule. Short of that you’re gonna run the risk that you miss something which makes family A better than family B.