Matching 2 lists

Hi all,

I have 2 nested lists with elements along with their count, I wish to have the each element with their count in the same nested level. I have tried playing with different levels and lacing but still cant get the results I want.

Any inputs would be valuable !



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thanks… i need this…

Depending on the desired output this can of course be extended to first chop up the lists:

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Hey @Jonathan.Olesen
Thats weird, i tried the same thing but it didnt work like yours. Yours is exactly what i am trying to achieve


Thanks for replying too @Nick_Boyts
But I’d prefer the result from Jonathan, is there a way to remove the nesting at last level?
E.g . Element 2, 6, Element 3, 10 all in 1 list together


I have “Keep list structure” turned on, but leaving that off will return a single set of sublists.

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What is the error, I can’t quite see it, is it that you would like numbers before names or?
If so exchange a and b inputs

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Hi Jonathan,

Apologies for overlooking, the output you produced isnt exactly what i wanted.
Perhaps this could explain better?


Hey @Nick_Boyts @Jonathan.Olesen

I achieved what i wanted using List.Chop method, thanks alot guys!
