
Took a stab at this cuz it looked fun, and sorta reminded me of a big Christmas tree. Winds up it is fun, and I learned a bit in the hour or so it took to do it.

First up I had to recreate the initial surface. I wanted to keep it neat though, and save as much RAM as possible, so I did this as a single design script function. One output, many nested functions, more efficient resources.

Next I created some fairly simple function definitions, mostly because I wanted to try calling a custom node inside a custom function for testing in Project Refinery later.

Then I went to work creating the actual content. 13 design script functions later, I had this:

And then I set about coding the content display. Nothing too ground breaking here. A future me might use some image mapping instead of solid colors, but my high value runs had something like 30,000+ final geometries, so my CPU was already mad enough at me, so perhaps keeping it simple was best for now.

Lastly I went back and labeled the inputs and set my min/max constraints on them.

Hope this helps you find your way. :slight_smile: