Hello all,
I have an issue that has me stumped.
I’m trying to loft a kind of ‘Origami’ surface in Dynamo - effectively a hyperbolic parabolaloid made up of zigzags.
Individually, each of these lofts work, as shown by the slider, but when I try to run through a list it fails. I have no idea why.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the matter?
Hi Sol,
Try joining each chain of curves into a polycurve and lofting the two PCs together.
Hey Dimitar, Tried that also - no luck. Hence me breaking it down to see which particular ‘one’ broke - but none appear to. So it works singularly, but fails as a group. I even tried having the nexus ‘not’ join (As in - if the points contain the same XYZ it may have failed) but it doesn’t on the singular version. I’ll keep having a play and see where I get but any other suggestions would rock!
Well if the individual segments work, you could always run them through a “List.LaceShortest” (or a List.Combine if the two lists are the same length) and then join the product into a poly-surface.
Also, could you try joining the curves with “Surface.ByRuledLoft”, that way you’ll end up with a faceted loft, but it might work better for your “origami”
Hey good shout. I’ll have a crack at those. Thanks!
All of those come back with the ‘watch’ field of the nodes populated with ‘null’. Odd.
Dohh, my bad. Lofting has only one input, not two. I forgot about that. If you don’t mind sharing the file, I can give it a go on my end.
Do you have a personal email? I’ve tried adding a .zip file into the forum but it won’t upload.
If you’re not comfortable putting your email up on here contact me via Twitter
Transpose to create sub lists that have two curve segments (one from each of the two profiles) and then loft. I think it should work.
Ah I’m a muppet. That worked - thanks Vikram!
About two years ago, in trying to find a solution to this problem I ended up exploring recursion and created a recursive custom node that I called ‘Sequential Loft’.
Not sure if recursion and that node works anymore.
Besides, I realized that some list management and lacing does the trick. No need for complex concepts