Loading Parameters from Excel Sheet to different families

Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum and I have been using Dynamo to simplify some basic tasks, but now I’ve encountered a more challenging task and I was hoping I could get some help.
The goal is to extract the data from an excel sheet and load it into different parameters across different families. My team doesn’t have the data yet, so I’ve been trying to test it with an empty file with some random elements & making up some parameters on the sheet. This is what I have so far:

I made a sheet with two parameters to try out, “Type Mark” & “Fire Rating” and chose three wall types as you can see in the image. Then, on the other image is the script I was trying. The thing about this script is that you have to type the index of the value you want to load and the index of the cell that has the name of the parameter… and also type the name of the wall. So basically, it’s too manual. If I end up having 150 Wall Types, I’ll have to run this routine 150 times. Is there a way to make this more efficient? Can I make a list of all the Wall Types on the Excel Sheet and make Dynamo detect automatically how to load the value into which wall without having to complete these nodes manually?

I hope it makes sense, I’ve seen some people solve stuff similar to this with python, but I’m new to all that so I’m not able to understand it that much yet.

Thanks in advance!


The second screenshot that was missing from the first post.