I’m just getting into Dynamo, so I’m not very well-versed in it yet. Bear with me.
I’m importing from Excel. I get 3 lists based on the columns in Excel. How can I remove the corresponding indexes from each list if one of the lists has a null value at that index?
I’m just working on the top part of the script for now. Once I get the lists, I’ll get some help on creating new types based on those lists.
This method should work for any amount of sublists as long as each sublist has the same amount of values.
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That worked great for null values.
Is there something similar I can do if a cell in the first column contains a given word? If it does, drop the corresponding indexes in all lists?
Yeah, you would just have to change the IsNull to an or statement using IsNull and an ==. Here is an example using the codeblock:
t2 = DSCore.Object.IsNull(t1@L2<1>) ||
List.GetItemAtIndex(t1@L2<1>,0) == word?true:false;
Then you have the separate input to use as the filter word. This only checks in the first sublist but is easy to change to check all sublist.
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