Hi, I tried to filter the list, so what need I need to do is, to remove list no 3 because my sublist 1 contain a null or empty value so as a result only list with sublist contain with data will be exported to excel, Is there a way to do this?
Hi, I tried to filter the list, so what need I need to do is, to remove list no 3 because my sublist 1 contain a null or empty value so as a result only list with sublist contain with data will be exported to excel, Is there a way to do this?
Thanks, KulKul but if i got situation like this, and there are so many of it,how can I filter it.
What I intend to do is, to put a condition if my Sublist 1 is empty the whole List t will be remove.
Thanks Vikram
Researching a current Dynamo roadblock I came across this post of yours. The algorithm is almost exactly like I want. However all the sublists have a null value or 2. Do you know if there is a way to look at a certain index in each sublist. For instance, if index 4 is null get rid of that the entire sublist.
Thank you Vikram, now I see how to work with the Object is Null input.
This method works great. ; )
March 30
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In Reply To
March 29
Vikram: Researching a current Dynamo roadblock I came across this post of
yours. The algorithm is almost exactly like I want. However all the
sublists have a null value or 2. Do you know if there is a way to look at a
certain index in each sublist. For instance, if index 4 is null get rid of