I feel this should be easy but for some reason I’m just not getting what I need.
I have a list from excel that contains nulls for worksheets that don’t exist in the selected file. How can I remove the nulls from the top level of this list just to leave me with the elements with sub lists?
In the example below I want to Dynamo to keep lists 0 and 4.
lesson here - don’t read posts like this on your phone!
@Yna_Db, that doesn’t work for me as the number of items in the list and those to be included vary from project to project.
@john_pierson - that works, thanks, I had tried this previously but due to the list complexity I had misunderstood the results I’d got. I need to do a little bit more in terms of flattening etc but it gets me to where I need to be I think. Will confirm later once I have tested things a bit further.