List to list with same characters


I have one list with characters: 1,2,3 and another list with 1,2,2,3. I need to unite.

For example: I have floors 1,2,3 and there is 1 apartment on the first floor, 2 apartments on the second floor and 1 apartment on the third floor. I need to create 4 views, one for each apartment by level. Is it possible?

Thank you

@michaela.souckovaT8E ,

Playing like this ? maybe you explan it more in detail.



Sharing your progress would be helpful.

If you are trying to create views, are you not better to use a create view from room method rather than playing with lists and numbers?

Creating views automatically for each apartment is definitely possible. I am not quite sure what you meant with the character lists could you explain further?

Yes, it´s better, but I don´t know, how connect the list with levels and list with flats. I have one flat on the first floor but on the second floor two flats. Than I need three views.

I will try to describe it. I have a building. This building has 3 levels and each level has other amount of apartments. So i need view for each apartment but this views have to create on other level.

You need to show us an example of the structure and objects in your list. Based on your explanation, you already have all that you need in the second list. Each item represents an apartment and the value indicates the level.

If that’s not the information in your list then we need to know what is.