Do you know how to make list of used Categories in model?.
I would like to make multicategory selection but when i pick categories which are not used in model then my graph isn’t working. So first i would like to get list of categories in model and then make a multicategory selection.
Thanks for all advices
i like using active view by default. i can catch any element by that!
# 🎣🎣 Get All Elements in View
items = FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id)\
OUT = items
Hi @Draxl_Andreas thanks for reply.
How can i use this code in dynamo? Do you know any examples which uses codes in node? Im beginner user of dynamo.
Hi @kambed91 here is another option there probably could work as well
Hi @sovitek Is there a way that i don’t have this first node? “All categories in document”?
that one is mepover and guess archilab have one as well
This will get a list of all categories in the document, as Dynamo categories, sorted alphabetically
import clr
import Revit
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
def dynamo_cat(cat):
return Revit.Elements.Category.ById(cat.Id.Value)
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
categories = doc.Settings.Categories
OUT = sorted(map(dynamo_cat, categories), key=lambda c: c.Name)