Linking multiple Revit file in one shot?!

Hello guys, I have a question to ask:

It would be possible to link in one shot different Revit files? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am working on a clash detection task, so I need to link all the Revit file in one, then separate them by worksets, then export to Navis, but I have to link them one per time and there are like 100+ files.

Is there any solution that you know? Thanks in advance! :upside_down_face:

try this, from the clockwork package, I think it might help if you created a list of file paths




welcome Ernesto

@AymanAl-Maaraf I’ve installed the package and found what you advised

and it worked thanks! :star_struck:

I’m glad you like it, I have something you’ll love:
check this video:

its about a custom node I created in a package called BIMflow, check it out

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sorry this was the tutorial, this is a quick overview:

Awww ;D Thats awesome!

I will try it out for sure, at the moment we have a procedure for resolving clashes using elements ID search in Revit, but this is very usefull too!!

Thanks again, have a great weekend :heart:

for sure Ernesto, take your time and don’t use something new specially if you have a lot of work to do
appreciating the love :stuck_out_tongue:
great weekend to you too, and good luck :smiley:


I have tried to use the clockwork, but I am still creating each file path.
May I know how did you creath a file path for 100+ file and link it at once?


@my.bocala Could you start a new topic? Thanks

hi @my.bocala,
as @salvatoredragotta asked, start a new topic, see you over there :slight_smile: