I installed revit 2020 and still can’t use dynamo sandbox core 2.16. I could use dynamo in revit, though it seems slower than dynamo sandbox, but I’d prefer using the the sandbox version. However, dynamo says that Point.ByCoordinates fails because the file “libg.protointerface.dll” is missing:
Dynamo works in Revit 2020, so what am I doing wrong? Thanks
I’m getting the same error with the same build, i need to go try the daily build at some point 
2.16 is not compatible with Revit 2020 - I think 2.3 -2.6 was compatible? I would stick to same version of core that you can find the in the about box in Revit.
I believe that @Michael_Kirschner2 is correct in that 2020 caps at 2.06.
Currently there is no way to utilize 2.16 for anything geometry related, as the underlaying geometry library (ASM) utilized in this build has not been used in any released products, and as such cannot be attained via legal means.
Thanks @Michael_Kirschner2 , Using Dynamo 2.6 works!